How Does God See Us?
Ever wonder, “How Does God See Us”?
In Psalm 23:1, King David uses the illustration of God being our Shepherd and God’s people as His sheep.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
So how does God see us?
As His sheep.
God sees all of us. He see us as Americans, democrats or republicans, asians or caucasians, male or female, young or old, but also as sheep, His sheep.
Sheep are guided. They are herded, corrected, and nurtured by the hand of their shepherd, Lord willing, their good shepherd.
Where does the LORD have us, have you, at this time? Going through a period of conflict, of tension? Or a period of relaxation and prosperity?Make this your heart’s cry and rest today:
Lord, where You lead, I will be satisfied - it is enough.
Lord, what You do, what You allow - will be sufficient.
Regardless, let’s remember that is ultimately the LORD who is guiding our lives, your life.
Not people.
Not circumstances.
Not institutions or governments.
But the Lord.
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11).”
As the LORD led Israel through the wilderness, so our Good Shepherd leads us. He has defeated our greatest enemy, Satan, sin, and death and paved for us the path of salvation through His Son. Our natural tendency is to resist Jesus’ shepherding, what would it look like for you today to trust his good guidance as enough?
Trust his guidance for your life today.
Join us as we begin to dive deeper into what it means to be seen, known, and loved as His sheep.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Anthony