Joy to the World

The Christmas song proclaims: 
Joy to the World, the Lord has Come
Let earth receive her King!

What is something you are looking forward to? How will you feel when it arrives?  Won’t you feel joy, delight, gladness?

Joy is a God given emotion. It honors God when we rejoice! Joy is not just something God gives; it is something He possesses! 

Looking for something to rejoice in? Christmas declares the joy that the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King.

“When they [the wise men] saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” (Matthew 2:10).

Let’s bring the joy of the Lord into this advent season. May it be our strength. 

Got a song you want to like to hear this Christmas season? Let us know! 

Hope EFC


Series: Win the Day


How Does God See Us?